Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 4 and now Day 5

I had to make a few adjustments to the Plan, after careful consideration I realized I was not going to make it 15 days with the diet plan I had. A number of reasons came into it. Including my fridge being no more space for veg. I was also a little bored with eating, I had to add something fun. So yes I ate some bread with Ronnybrook Butter..!! Delicious.

Needless to say one thing led to another...and well I am not totally on the plan anymore. But I am more aware than ever about what I eat and how little veg I was eating. And I love the Juicer, and want to continue with Juicing, I still have a lot of veg in fridge to use up so I am still on the Plan in some ways.

Perhaps it was a tough time also to do the Plan now, maybe another time I will give it a whirl. :)
I have no regrets at all and still am a frim believer in the plan and Heatlhy Eating.
Until Next time  ....

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 3 and I am sailing..on Rough Waters!!

Day 3

Today was much better, no headaches from Caffeine withdrawal, and time to relax and shop for more veg..
I cooked Portabello Mushroom tonite with Garlic and Squash, it was really good. I also had seaweed for the first time I think? It was dried Seaweed, looks awful but actually tasted ok with lemon and Avocado.

I love how I am getting to taste all these foods in a whole new way and I think I will appreciate both Veg/Fruit and Coffee a whole lot more when I finish. I can't wait to try Beets home cooked and warm to eat. I think it will be good. I only have ever had the Jarred/Canned Variety! :)

I didn't too much exercise today, walked a little bit. I don't feel any weight coming off and don't feel mad hungry. I don't why I keep thinking I will be? I actually did a 1 week fast a few years ago with only broth every day and nothing else!! Don't ask me how I did that? I did also have to drink a certain drink which basically filled you up so you wouldn't feel hungry. I lost a bit of weight back then but also on the last day was totally drained. Won't be doing that one again..

Day 3 almost over and I think like anything it will get easier as I learn the steps etc..
I notice a few things more than ever now, when in the Supermarket I see just how much food we can buy to eat ,a lot of it Processed. But also a lot than you can really enjoy, I did miss the variety of foods that I might buy in a normal day!
I never really went mad for all the processed stuff anyhow.A few Items but not much.And usually the Brands that are more healthy, usually a little more expensive, but I always think it's worth it for certain items.
Organic Sweet Potato is so much more tasty than the regular? And Organic Bread or Home Baked type bread can be so much better than the 99 cents bread. I can see the changes in the last few years with food ,I hope the trend keeps moving in the right direction. I think there will always be foods that may be basically crap Nutrionally (maybe even bad for you) but will find a place on the shelves if there is demand for it or unless we really do move forward and foods like that get banned!!
Who knows what the future shall bring? :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 2 almost complete

I have been doing good but even better now that I am off work!! I haven't had a cookie or coffee in 2 sounds so small but it's a success for me who usually has a cookie or 3 a day and I do miss my mug of Joe in the morning :(
I was almost thinking of quitting? I know barely 2 days and second thoughts already,but the first few days are the worst, not really bad.I have not been hungry like crazy just a nagging feeling I want real food!! Although I think it's also a combination of things like no sugar,no coffee no treats..that I miss the most.
I have to go over the next day to see what I need to buy and stock up. I have extras still in the fridge and maybe I will try the apple breakfast again this time without the cayenne Pepper!
My weight pretty much the same, I think I have a lot of Gas from all the veg..LOL
My friend told me to expect it but I thought he was only joking, but it seems like he was serious for a change :)
It's good that I am doing this in the Summer, plenty of veg and fruit are in season, and less of a need for hot food. Most of the plan is cold foods.
I do feel also tired but I think that's because I also woke up too early this morning, sleep in tomorrow will be nice.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Finally I am ready..

I prepared my Juices for tomorrow and my breakfast..which might have a litle kick to it!!
I put Cayenne Pepper instead of Nutmeg in with the Apples!!!!
 That should get me started..LOL  I also tasted my Juice ,it was a little strong on the Ginger? Perhaps next time I will reduce. It actually takes time but not a serious amount, making my juice didn't really take long once I had my veg chopped and ready to go.
I have no idea what to expect? I dare say I might be starving tomorrow evening!
I did a weight check, I am 167lbs although a few days ago I was over 170lbs.
Here's to 15 days of Healthy Food's ..

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Getting Prepared

So I decided I will delay starting for just 1 more day, for a few reasons..I really was not expecting to start this weekend, and have some foods  need to use up. Also today I am going to the screening of the movie with Q & A after with Joe Cross, the man himself who started all this..
It really does only take one person to make a difference after all. And what a difference he has made. I see on the website and the FB Page a lot of people making changes and finding something good in all this.

I figured I would be all wired up and ready to start after today, not to mention maybe could get a few questions answered before I start! One of them is can my Juices last a few days? 1 Day?

I have already bought most of the veg I need, some I may not find (maybe not in Season?). I think it will take me taking time out to prepare for the next day, as some dishes I will have to. Breakfast I won't be getting up 45 mins extra to cook. I am already up early enough!!
One thing I have noticed when I go to the supermarket now, is just how much pre-prepared products there is, once I get my veg there is Aisle's of food I don't need to look at??
A lot it we could all live without, maybe not permanently but certainly not as often as we might do. I can also see the need and the popularity for these foods. Who has time to go shopping every day for fresh veg and then prepare it etc.
Let's face it some foods can come in handy to have in the house! But I would prefer to err on the Pre Packaged foods that are a little bit less processed and actually have the ingredients that is posted on the product. I don't want Blueberry cereal and only have fake blueberries in it?!

I seen a product listed last week as Salmon Cakes and the fish was not Salmon at all. It was Pollock etc.
I should have said something that day to the Manager, as it was the Store's product. It was totally misleading. But it's out there every day you go to the supermarket, products that are not all as they seem.
Bread's that may seem Whole Grain but really are not. Even Low Fat products may have less fat, but twice as much Sugar!! I did see this mentioned somewhere before that the public are really not all to blame for their size, that the food out there is Fattening and a lot it Unhealthy, sure it keeps you alive, but just look at the pills on the market,for all sorts of malaise that can easily avoided my a better diet.
Not to mention Qutting a few other bad habit's a lot of us have..

Going into city shortly and will finish Post later.

Back again.. The evening went really well, I enjoyed the movie better second time around, maybe because of the audience this time to share it with. And I also picked up information I missed the first time.
Joe came out at the end and answered questions, mine got answered by someone else asking, juices can keep for 3 days if covered / sealed and kept in the fridge.
That helps me in being able to drink juices at work. I am also delaying once again! one more day, as friends are celebrating with wine and pizza tomorrow.
It gives me another day to make sure I have all I need at least for my first day,no more cancellations as I don't want veg to go bad!!
Well that's all for today. :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

1 Day left before Beginning.

Well I actually thought this would be the first day of E-mails from Reboot Website, of 1 week before I started, but it seems it is actually supposed to start today. Of course I can start anytime, save the e-mails etc.
But since tomorrow I also am going to Manhattan for a Q & A and movie screening with Joe Cross himself, I think I will start tomorrow.:)

I watched the Movie only just last week "Fat, Sick and Almost Dead" on Netflix, and was hooked instantly. For a few reasons.. I always wanted to try some Juicing,especially my own at home.And I really wouldn't mind seeing what effects this will have on me in general. Will it help cure back pain? Will it give me increased energy? I tend to talk the talk more than walk the walk! So here's my chance to really give a Better diet a real run for it's money.
Afterward I found the website and the Reboot website
I don't really need any convincing , I know I will probably feel better and I also know that most of us with or without realizing it eat and drink  a load of crap every day/week/year...

My diet now is not terrible, in fact by most peoples standards I guess I am pretty good. I rarely see the inside of a McDonald's Building, I always add fruit to my cereal that goes with Almond Milk :)

I quit Smoking long ago...The worst thing on this planet if you ask me.!
It does nothing but drain energy,drain your wallet, and drains your focus on other things in life.. And now in NY you can't smoke in Public Parks, which I think is good and bad. I don't think it's bad to smoke if you are not near others in the park, but if you are sitting on a park bench and you light up,it really is not nice for the other person sitting on the same bench beside you!

I know smokers won't agree, if I was one still I might disagree also! When you are a smoker you don't really want to See less smoking places, maybe I am wrong? Perhaps a lot of smokers out there do agree to stop smoking everywhere and anywhere..
Anyhow moving back to Reboot ,I will have to go shopping for a Lot of Veg and Fruit today. And hook up my Juicer and maybe even give it a test run!!